The Network of Inner East Community Houses Inc. (NIECH) is an autonomous not for profit organisation whose members are Neighbourhood Houses and Community Centres located in the Inner Eastern Region of Melbourne. The NIECH Network covers the Local Government areas of Boroondara, Monash, parts of Whitehorse (Box Hill, Burwood) and Manningham (Bulleen/Templestowe and Warrandyte).
The position of Networker in NIECH is funded through the Neighbourhood House Co-ordination Program (NHCP) by the Department of Health & Human Services, Victoria.
Purposes of the Network (from NIECH Rules of Incorporation Nov 2013):
To be a mutual support network for member houses facilitating the exchange of information, experience and ideas.
To strengthen member houses by providing support, advice and professional development opportunities.
To provide strong, dynamic advocacy on behalf of member houses.
To increase the capacity and understanding of member houses of the Neighbourhood House sector philosophies and Community Development practices.
To develop networks and partnerships within the broader community that benefit member houses.
To work with other neighbourhood house networks and the Victorian Neighbourhood House peak body to promote and advance the Neighbourhood House sector.
Position Summary
Position Title
NIECH Networker
Position Status
Permanent part-time
Hours of Work
21 hours per week, over at least 3 days, during school terms purchased leave is negotiable
Conditions of Employment
In accordance with the NHACE Collective Agreement 2016.
The Networker is bound by the policies and procedures of NIECH.
This position is conditional on ongoing funding.
NIECH Committee conducts annual performance appraisals.
NHACE Collective Agreement 2016 Neighbourhood House Employee, Level 7 (year to be negotiated subject to experience and education)
Reports to
NIECH Committee of Governance
Primary Purpose
Coordinate and manage the operations of the Network of Inner East Community Houses in accordance with the goals and objectives of the NIECH Strategic Plan and within the funding requirements of the Neighbourhood House Co-ordination Program Guidelines 2016 – 2019.
Support and resource member Houses and Centres by:
Providing up-to-date resources and information which assist members to plan, develop and evaluate activities and services within the framework of the Neighbourhood House Co-ordination Program (NHCP) guidelines
Provide information, referrals or guidance to NIECH members when required
Consulting with member Houses & Centres to identify relevant training and professional development opportunities and organising, providing or promoting appropriate activities
Build and sustain internal and external links by:
Maintain a strong relationship with CHAOS and the CHAOS Networker
Attending LGA network meetings as required
Attending Neighbourhood House Annual General Meetings as practical
Actively promoting and supporting local networking and information sharing activities; including organising a NIECH Members’ meeting each term
Developing and maintaining communication practices to facilitate the flow of information within the network, other regional networks, DFFH, NHVIC and the wider community
Attending the Combined NH Network meetings and other relevant meetings and conferences organised by the state peak body Neighbourhood Houses Victoria (NHVic) or agencies
Build relationships with local, state and federal government representatives or agencies within the NIECH boundaries where appropriate
Representing NIECH at appropriate regional and state-wide forums, seminars and events
Advocate on behalf of members and promote the Neighbourhood House Sector by:
Maintaining an active relationship with relevant funding bodies
Facilitating Network members’ input to the policy positions of NHVIC
Promoting the value and importance of NHs
Being actively involved in relevant activities that enhance the profile of the NIECH Network and Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres
Manage the NIECH Network by
Advising and supporting the NIECH Committee of Governance (CoG) in carrying out its governance functions
Coordinating the development, implementation and review of a strategic plan in consultation with the CoG and member Houses & Centres
Producing and reporting against an annual operational plan
Managing funding and service agreements and completing and submitting all accountability and compliance requirements
Assisting the Finance Officer and Treasurer in preparation of the annual budget
Preparing and publishing the Annual Report in consultation with the CoG
Assisting the CoG in developing and regularly reviewing all policies and procedures
Developing and maintaining administrative and operational procedures
Regularly update NIECH website and social media
Conditions of Employment
The position is dependent on the availability of the funding.
The Networker will be paid in accordance with Neighbourhood Houses & Adult Community Education Centres Collective Agreement 2016, as a Neighbourhood House Employee - SCHCADS Level 7 (year to be negotiated based on experience and education). A review period will be arranged following the appointment.
Any increment is dependent on a successful performance review.
Hours of work
The position is permanent part-time –21 hours per week, over at least 3 days, during school terms (some limited evening work may be required). Days and hours to be worked as negotiated with the NIECH Committee.
Purchased leave is negotiable as per the NHACE Collective Agreement, 2016.
There is no provision for regular overtime payments.
Work location varies and is to be negotiated with the NIECH Committee of Governance.
Travel allowance
Travel allowance for work related mileage in own car is in accordance with the NHACE Collective Agreement, 2016.
All mileage to be recorded in a logbook and must be approved by the Treasurer.
Extent of Authority
The Networker is authorised to represent the interests of NIECH and manage the organisation in keeping with the objectives of the Strategic Plan, the annual operational plan, the Delegation of Authority policy and the annual budget.
Key Selection Criteria
A sound knowledge of community development principles; Tertiary qualifications in relevant areas e.g. Community Development/Community Services etc. or relevant experience is desirable
Good understanding of the Victorian Neighbourhood House sector
Broad knowledge, awareness, experience in current community, social issues and policy, e.g.: inclusion, environment, cultural diversity
Experience in working with Government Funding bodies
Networking and advocacy skills
Leadership and facilitation skills
Negotiation and conflict resolution skills
Ability to work independently with limited supervision
Excellent communication, administration, time management and reporting skills
Strong IT skills, especially use of computers and other devices, office applications, Cloud applications, website management and a comprehensive understanding of social media
Essential Requirements
Possess a current driver's license and have access to a vehicle that is comprehensively insured
Consent to undergo a police check and hold a current Working with Children Check
The successful applicant will be approachable, friendly and flexible with the ability to work with people from a variety of backgrounds.
It is planned that the successful applicant will commence on Monday 29 January 2024.
Please email applications marked Attention President NIECH CoG, including a statement addressing the selection criteria, a current CV and contact details for two current referees, to:
Applications close at 5pm on Friday 24th November 2023.
Any queries, please ring the NIECH President on 03 9285 4850.
For more information about NIECH go to